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H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr has called for peace and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all Kenyans

H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr has called for peace and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all Kenyans without any distinction.
Speaking during the burial of Benson Kithuku at Nthaani, Kitundu, Mbooni West sub-County, the governor insisted that peace must be a priority before building the economy of any nation.
He expressed his confidence with the ongoing bipartisan talks between the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio coalitions that the committee will bring solutions.
He eulogized the late retired teacher and a unionist as a development oriented leader.
Mr. Kithuku served as Makueni KNUT Executive Secretary between 1994-2006 before joining politics where he unsuccessfully vied for Mbooni MP seat in 2013 and 2017.
Other leaders present were: Senator Dan Maanzo, Wilson Sossion, the former Knut Secretary-General among others.

Deputy Governor Showcases Makueni’s Vibrant Products, Honorable Raila Odinga Joins Conference

The second day of the 8th Devolution Conference witnessed remarkable strides as delegates gathered to discuss the integration of technology and digital economy into devolved sectors for robust economic growth.
 The event, which is taking place in Uasin-Gishu county  saw Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili welcoming attendees at the Makueni county’s exhibition booth, showcasing a wide array of Makueni-made products.
The Makueni exhibition booth drew attention for its diverse offerings, ranging from delectable mango juice to intricate handcrafts.
 Mulili expressed pride in the county’s accomplishments and its commitment to contributing to Kenya’s economic development through innovative products and ideas.
Notably, the conference was graced by the presence of opposition leader Rt. Honorable Raila Odinga, who addressed the attendees and highlighted the significance of devolution in advancing the country’s growth agenda. 
Odinga’s presence underscored the bipartisan commitment to the success of devolution in Kenya.
The heart of the conference lay in the engaging panel discussions that explored the fusion of technology and devolved sectors.
 With a focus on the digital economy, panelists delved into strategies for effectively integrating technology into various levels of governance. 
The dialogue centered on leveraging technology to enhance service delivery, improve resource allocation, and foster economic development within the devolved regions.
In the afternoon forum, participants engaged in breakaway sessions that touched upon diverse sectors, each aiming to harness the potential of devolution for maximum impact.

The sprawling Wote landfill rehabilitation into proper dumpsite ongoing.

The process of rehabilitating the existing Wote landfill into a proper dumpsite is at tail stages with all efforts put in place to ensure the site’s waste is disposed in an environmentally friendly manner.
Some of the works underway include: garbage control, controlling water erosion through the dump, levelling of the site, fencing of the land to avoid encroachment and beautification through tree planting.
H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Thursday evening paid a visit to the ever smoking Wote landfill to assess the remediation exercise that will also mitigate possible contamination from the site into Kaiti River.

Governor Mutula roots for Investment in Community Health for better healthcare

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has expressed his commitment towards supporting community health provision to bridge the health services access gap by far-to-reach and vulnerable populations in Makueni.
Speaking during a courtesy call by the Chief Executive Officer Financing Alliance for Health Dr. Angela Gichaga Thursday, Governor Mutula said investment in community health is the most important health investment his administration is working on.
Makueni County boasts of 3,625 community health promoters working under the Department of Health Services to deliver primary health services at household level.
Through a partnership with Financing Alliance for Health, the county government has succeeded in formulating a County Community Health Services Strategy (2021-2025) and the Makueni County Community Health Policy 2020-2030.

Makindu Residents Give Nod to Draft Town Plan

Makindu town residents have given a thumps up to a draft town plan prepared by the Department of Lands and Urban Planning and presented to them for validation. 
The Planning exercise was commissioned in April by Lands Executive Committee Member Dr Sonia Nzilani. A draft of the plan was presented for public input on Wednesday at Makindu Social Hall. 
Residents have 60 days from (9th August, 2023) to submit their inputs before the plan is presented to the County Assembly for approval. 
The public participation exercise was led by Dr. Sonia and her Devolution counterpart Japheth Mang’oka. In attendance was the County Attorney Stanley Nthiwa, area MCA Steve Kilonzo, business community, plot owners, clergy and residents of the town.

Governor Mutula roots for Investment in Community Health for better healthcare

Governor Mutula roots for Investment in Community Health for better healthcare
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has expressed his commitment towards supporting community health provision to bridge the health services access gap by far-to-reach and vulnerable populations in Makueni.
Speaking during a courtesy call by the Chief Executive Officer Financing Alliance for Health Dr. Angela Gichaga Thursday, Governor Mutula said investment in community health is the most important health investment his administration is working on.
Makueni County boasts of 3,625 community health promoters working under the Department of Health Services to deliver primary health services at household level.
Through a partnership with Financing Alliance for Health, the county government has succeeded in formulating a County Community Health Services Strategy (2021-2025) and the Makueni County Community Health Policy 2020-2030.

Governor Mutula announces digital registration of farmers for better service delivery

H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has announced that the County Government is targeting to register over 166,000 farming households across the 30 wards.
The exercise is set to be carried out by Local Ward Based enumerators bound to be recruited.
The County has already placed an advert for 503 positions where youth have been encouraged to apply for the opportunities with application forms available at the County Website with 24th August 2023 set as deadline.
Mutula spoke this during the burial of Philip Nzembi, a former teacher and a Councillor at Mutwii Village,Kikima, in Mbooni Sub – County.

Makueni flag to fly in East Africa Music, Drama fete

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr has hosted the Kenya National Drama Festival spoken word winners, Brian Oscar, and Geoffrey Mutinda, from Vulueni secondary school in Mbitini.
The duo with the spoken word, “Namba Ya mwisho” performance through their credible storylines on challenges forcing youth into drug abuse with a happy ending of solutions out of psychoactive substances placed the County and the school at the national arena during the April 2023 film, drama fete in Mombasa.
While handing over the Makueni flag to the school where they will be representing Kenya in the East Africa Music, Dance and Drama festival in Arua, Northern Uganda, Governor Mutula encouraged the students to bring win-back home challenging learners to always embrace co-curriculum activities.

Yemeni experts keen on Makueni’s Agricultural and Health innovations as they conclude their tour

A delegation of Yemeni nationals that yesterday embarked on a day-long knowledge-sharing journey of Makueni County to gain insights into the region’s prosperity in how devolution works has concluded its tour.
The group that was on Thursday received by H.E governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr before conducting a comprehensive tour of the Mother and Child unit, the Iviani farm and finally to the Kalamba fruit processing and manufacturing Plant says they sought to understand the governor’s ideologies in running the County that could be applied back in their own country.
The Yemeni delegation composed of top lawyers, lecturers of leading universities, activists amongst others who make the National Survey Committee.
During their tour of Makueni mother and child hospital the visitors were impressed by the health information systems and daily routine services offered in the facility.
At Iviani farm, the delegates were enthralled by the young farmer’s efforts in value-addition where ripe mangoes are turned into crisps for local consumption and export.
While at Kalamba Fruit processing factory, the nationals witnessed the entire process –from sorting mangoes, processing and to packaging of juice. The visitors were keen on the facility’s advanced technologies and quality control measures in the factory.

Makueni stall became one among the most visited booths at the conference with a range of products

After the official opening of the Devolution Conference by president William Ruto on Wednesday that was also attended by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr , on Thursday Makueni stall became one among the most visited booths at the conference with a range of products.
The stall was among the most visited with participants particularly curious and eager to know more about MyMakueni County App, successes in mango sector, value addition, promotion of local tourism, among other areas.
Governors from other counties among other delegates were keen to detail the formula behind the Makueni success story.