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Makueni Secures Funding to fight Malnutrition

Makueni has secured a Sh 30 million funding from Nutrition International to scale up efforts towards elimination of malnutrition in the next three years.

The grant is complimentary to the county’s Sh 36 million for the same cause, and which is meant to actualize the implementation of the County Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP) unveiled late 2019.

The Makueni CNAP targets the reduction of the prevalence of stunting among children under five years by 40%, childhood wasting to less than 5%, childhood underweight to less than 10%, and reduce malnutrition among older children and adolescent by 15%.

According to the Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014, the prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight in Makueni County was 25.1%, 2.1% and 10.2% respectively.

The funding agreement was signed today in Nairobi by the executive for Finance Mary Kimanzi and executive for Health Services Dr. Andrew Mulwa for the county government and witnessed by governor Kivutha Kibwana, deputy governor Adelina Mwau and the Nutrition International President Joel Spicer.

The county has also received 30,000 Euros (Sh 3.2 million) funding from Hivos East Africa to finance the Makueni Mango and indigenous food festival scheduled for this month at the Makueni Fruit Processing Plant, Kalamba.

The overall objective of the food festival is to promote mango production and consumption of indigenous food in Makueni, governor Kibwana has said.

The festival seeks to stimulate the rediscovery of the value of the Mango and indigenous foods through showcasing the rich gastronomic heritage of the Akamba and marketing the County as a Mango County and presenting the opportunities in the Mango value chain.

Memorandum to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) – Kitui







Recognizing the opportunity under the umbrella of BBI, the people of the South Eastern Region of Kenya (Kitui, Machakos and Makueni counties), have held BBI consultation forums in January 2020.

Having critically analyzed the priority economic, social and political development needs of the people of the three south eastern counties we declare our unequivocal support for BBI, and propose the following recommendations for inclusion in the final report:

Our Recommendations

We recommend the following

1. On Shared Prosperity

1.1 Crop development master plan that promotes value addition, contracted farmer schemes, horticulture including fruit processing and secures farmers during buffer harvest. The government should review the National Strategic Food Reserve to include crops from our Region, especially Ndengu.

1.2 The enormous mineral wealth (iron ore, lime, coal, gem-stones and other minerals) found in the region be sustainably exploited, and value addition mechanisms established within the region. For example, limestone that is found in the region should be processed within the region.

1.3 Konza techno-city be fully operationalized in order to create jobs and an environment for digital innovation for many unemployed people within the region and beyond. Similarly, the Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, the digital media city and the national data centre located in Konza be fast tracked.

1.4 The Region be earmarked for industrialization due to availability of land, conducive weather for solar energy production and proximity to the capital city, with the SGR and Nairobi –Mombasa highway passing through it. The national government to work with the counties in providing the necessary infrastructure for investment and creating a conducive environment for cottage industries and jua kali sector. Industrial parks and special economic zones should be establishment within the Region.

1. 5 Increase domestic, livestock and irrigation water coverage currently below 40% to spur socio-economic transformation and industrialization. The stalled projects especially Grand Falls dam, Thwake dam and Wikithuki Irrigation Scheme, Wote Leather factory and Makueni government residential houses should be completed without further delay and many other such similar flagship programs initiated by the National Government.

1.6 The three counties having prioritized their Spatial Plans and ready to work with the business community in key development areas. To achieve this, the national government should facilitate county governments to exploit the public private partnership mechanism to spur speedy economic growth to enhance job and wealth creation especially among the youth.

1.7 The Kenya Investment Authority should work closely with the counties to identify both domestic and international investment opportunities and thereby grow the private sector within counties.

1.8 Both the national and county government to facilitate private sector at the county level organize itself through the formation of an association to give them a voice on matters of private sector development. This association should work with other similar players.

1.9 Electricity connectivity be increased to cover our entire Region bearing in mind that over 60% of the Hydro-power production is from Lower Eastern Region.

1.10 While we support strengthening of the regional economic blocs, the Constitution and the PFM Act should be reviewed to fully and legally operationalize them.

1.11 Our people living adjacent to the National Park should be protected from human-wildlife conflict. Revenue sharing from such parks should legally enforced.

1.12 Programmed infrastructural development (roads, tarmacking, sewer lines) through a clear national resource allocation formula that guarantees equity and fairness

2. On Health:

2.1 There be a clear system and framework of standards to categorize health institutions which give counties guidance in upgrading existing facilities. This will include every county establishing fully fledged level 5 hospitals.

2.2 The KEMSA Act amendments which were recently passed by the National Assembly compelling counties to exclusively procure their pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceuticals from KEMSA, works against the letter and spirit of devolution and must be revoked. Counties be allowed to procure the above competitively from qualified suppliers.

2.3 Expand Universal health care to include home-based care to make it possible for the elderly and the critically ill to access health care, and this should be covered by insurance.

2.4 The counties be supported to set up specialized units especially cancer screening and treatment across the country in order to make specialized treatment accessible to all citizens.

3. On Land

3.1 A Constitutional Commission on boundaries be established with a mandate to settle boundary questions within a maximum of five years.

3.2 Once any lease expires, the County Government must determine the renewal or reallocation of such land.

3.3 All public land must be repossessed within a maximum of five years.

3.4 Within a maximum of five years all land should have been surveyed and titles issued to land owners.

4. On Political Front

4.1 We support powerful Prime Minister and expansion of the Executive to include two Deputy Prime Ministers and engender the top seats where opposite gender is either head or deputy.

4.2 Make Senate the Upper house to strengthen devolution.

4.3 Cabinet Ministers to be appointed from both the elected and non-elected citizen at both the National and County Government levels.

4.4 Counties that are big to be divided to enhance service delivery. We propose carving out Mwingi County from Kitui County.

5. On Enhancing Devolution:

5.1 Allocation to counties be increased to 35% – 50% of the current annual budget.

5.2 Facilitate establishment of county courts to enhance revenue collection and compliance to County laws.

5.3 PFM Act to be reviewed to allow County governments to directly negotiate and receive development support from development partners and well wishers.

5.4 SAGAS based at the National Government level but implementing other programs and projects at the devolved level, including National Irrigation Board, National Cereals and Produce Board, Regional Development Authorities, Kenya Urban Roads Authority, Kenya National Roads Authority etc., be dissolved and their responsibilities and resources devolved.

6. On Inclusivity

6.1 The National Youth Service should have chapters in the Counties to serve youth who opt to go for technical training and skills development.

6.2 Establishment of a Youth Centre in every sub-county.

6.3 Establishment of a special unit, to be known as “The Peace Corps of Kenya” (Similar to VSO of Britain or Peace Corps of US), primarily focusing on graduate youth for skills acquisition (and especially within the Country, the African Continent and internationally). Such youths will be deployed for a maximum of one year, with their monthly stipend and expenses being paid from the exchequer.

6.4 One National Lottery should be established to among other things support:

6.5 A Challenge fund for youth innovation;
Talent and sports amongst the youth;
Rehabilitation of youth affected by substance alcohol abuse.

6.5 There be an elective position for Youth representative at both national and devolved level and ensure inclusion in every 3 people employed 1 should be youth.

6.6 Rights of persons living with disabilities especially in relation to construction industry, public transport, and social amenities among others be ring enhanced.

6.7 The state should fast track the self-regulation rules being developed by the religious sector so as to facilitate due registration.

6.8 The Government should uniformly roll out Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that incorporates the councils of elders and religious institutions

7 On Environment:

7.1 The National and County Governments should come up with Policies, Strategies, activities and Incentives which promote the culture of a green economy;

7.2 The one square kilometer solar firm concept and other innovative clean energy initiatives at the devolved level be initiated, supported and profiled and complete with incentives in order to spur industrialization, cottage industries for youth and women employment.

7.3 Pollution of our environmental and our rivers (especially Athi River) has become a major source of cancer and other serious ailments. Very stiff penalties be introduced against polluters with the fines directly channeled towards remedy of the effects of the pollution in the affected areas.


The people of the three Counties fully support the letter and spirit of BBI and will whole heartedly vote for its adoption once a referendum on the same is brought forth.

Makueni-USAID sign Partnership Agreement

Makueni on Thursday became the first out of the eight Prosper Counties to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to operationalize a US-Kenya trade agreement.

Prosper Counties comprises eight counties selected to participate in a U.S- Kenya trade agreement seeking to partner with counties and the private sector to advance Kenya’s journey to self-reliance by contributing to job creation, improving economic growth, and expanding tax revenues in Kenya’s secondary cities and rural areas.

The eight are Makueni, Kakamega, Nakuru, Mombasa, Kisumu, Isiolo, Kisii and Kiambu and were selected based on high economic potential, effective governance practices (Makueni), and commitment to create an enabling business environment.

According to Mark Meassick, USAID Mission Director in Kenya who signed on behalf of the agency, USAID will utilize its networks to support workforce development, policy formulation and select public investments in key sectors including agribusiness, tourism, manufacturing, technology, finance and health in the county.

Under the Prosper Counties initiative, unveiled by President Uhuru Kenyatta on 30th October 2019 under the US Prosper Africa Presidential Initiative, the US government aims to leverage its expertise and relationships to support county level private sector solutions by investing in Business-to-Business relationships.

Governor Kibwana who signed the MoU on behalf of Makueni county government reiterated his commitment towards implementation of this partnership.

He said his administration will move with speed to ensure a legislation in the county assembly is passed for sustainability and ensure availability of funds where co-funding of projects is required.

Makueni Launches Campaign to Rescue Mango Farmers from Pests

Mango actors in the country have launched a rigorous campaign towards establishment of Fruit Fly Free Zones (FFFZ) in Makueni County.

The campaign, launched at Kwakathoka Wednesday, provides an opportunity for the various actors in the mango value chain to interact and kick off activities geared towards reduction of mango losses due to fruit fly infestation in Makueni County and in Kenya at large.

The campaign also aims at sensitizing and creating awareness on fruit fly control and to create pest free areas. The outcomes of this campaign is expected to stimulate mango export and increase incomes for mango farmers and other value chain actors.

The campaign is driven by the county government, USAID, Feed the Future, Rockefeller foundation, and the Kenyan national government through various agro agencies.

The partners to this campaign have unveiled a raft of measures which will ensure a successful campaign, which include:

Working with five Integrated Pest Management technology providers and two mango cooperatives to promote adoption of IPM best practices;

The campaign will also involve training of 10,000 farmers, training 100 agro dealers and setting up of a distribution system, establishment of 120 demonstration orchards as well as holding 80 field days across the county.

94 needy pupils secure county scholarships

At least 94 needy pupils from Makueni who sat their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in 2019 have secured full scholarships to their secondary schools of admission courtesy of the county government of Makueni.

Each of the 94 beneficiaries will receive Shs 70,000 per year for tuition, uniform and books while their families will cater for personal effects.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana who issued scholarship cheques to the beneficiaries on Monday at ATC-Kwakathoka termed the programme a lifeline for most vulnerable and bright children in the society.

“The Makueni County Scholarship support programme has proved to be a lifeline to many bright children who would have ended up in poorly resourced schools that cannot provide them quality education,” said Kibwana.

“Were it not for this programme, others would have ended up as casual laborers with a bleak future despite their stellar performance in national exams,” he further noted.

Kibwana said the county government is currently supporting 362 students in the scholarship programme for both continuing and the new students since its inception in 2014.

He said besides the 94 scholarships, his administration will spend Sh 18 million for bursaries to needy students in both secondary and tertiary institutions in the 2019/2020 Financial Year.

Building for the future

Governor Kivutha Kibwana on Tuesday opened a one day mentorship seminar on servant and visionary leadership for Makueni University Students Association leaders at Wote.

The seminar is organized by the County Government in Partnership with the Africa Servant Leadership Development Initiative (ASLEAD).

According to governor Kibwana, the seminar is meant to build young visionary leaders for the county and country, who will provide a revolutionary leadership through peer influence in few years to come.

He said his administration is working towards getting young people to provide strategic leadership at all levels of administration in the county. For starters, Kibwana ordered the Education department to ensure each of the county bursary committees has a slot for a MUSA representative.

“This is the beginning point for building future great leaders for this county. I feel greatly empowered to go any length in the service for humanity,” Said Jane Syombua the assistant MUSA Secretary General Kaiti chapter.

Syombua is a Bachelor of Science in Medicine and Surgery student at Egerton University.

Makueni Basketball men finish second at KYISA

Makueni basketball men soared high as they finished second in the 6th edition of Kenya Youth Inter-County Sports Association games held in Busia between 14th and 21st December.

The under 23 boys put up an onerous fight against hosts Busia, under a sea of cheering fans, but fell 51-46 finishing second overall.

Makueni had earlier crashed Turkana 58-42 in a breath taking semi final at the Busia stadium to advance to the final.

Enroute to the finals, Makueni edged out Siaya 68-30 and Nakuru 44-37.

County Executive for Education, Sports and ICT Joshua Wambua is convinced Makueni has what it takes to become a sporting giant. He says the county will continue to invest in talent development With a view to promoting sports as a career for thousands of young people.

Makueni Basketball men through to KYISA Finals

Makueni basketball men are a game away from being crowned Kenya Youth Inter-county Sports Association games 6th edition champions.

The boys crashed their Turkana counterparts 58-42 in a breath taking semi final at the Busia stadium to advance to the final, where they will meet hosts Busia at 4pm Today.

Through to the top, Makueni edged out Siaya 68-30 and Nakuru 44-37.

Much as Busia enjoys home advantage and loud cheers, coach Frederick Makundi is confident Makueni will have the last laugh going by their vitality and prowess in the pitch.

Makueni sportsmen stamp authority at KYISA

Makueni continues to display its sporting prowess at the ongoing Kenya Inter-County Sports Association games in Busia.

So far, both men and women footballers have qualified for the knockouts as runners up behind Trans Nzoia (Men) and Kwale (Women).

On day three of the games, Wednesday, Makueni volleyball queens hammered their Nyandarua counterparts 3-0 sets thus securing a slot at the knock-out stages with a game in hand against hosts Busia.

In Men’s volleyball, Makueni will be on the pitch Thursday against Nyandarua having thrashed Kakamega 3-1 sets on Tuesday.

Makueni executive for Education, Sports and ICT Joshua Wambua is upbeat that the Makueni sportsmen, all under 23, are well prepared to go for silverware as the curtains draw on the 6th edition of the inter-county games on Saturday.